Category: News

Com­mis­sio­ning of Bel­lin­gen wind farm

Com­mis­sio­ning of Bel­lin­gen wind farm

We can cele­bra­te our next suc­cess with the com­mis­sio­ning of the Bel­lin­gen wind farm. The pro­duc­tion of the two Ves­tas V162 tur­bi­nes began last Tues­day. The pro­ject in the Alt­mark regi­on (Sax­o­­ny-Anhalt) is loca­ted next to our exis­ting Hüse­litz wind farm. Once com­mis­sio­ned, the two new plants will sup­p­ly green elec­tri­ci­ty for more than 10,000 […]

Rea­li­sa­ti­on of the Fin­nish PV pro­ject Lakari

Rea­li­sa­ti­on of the Fin­nish PV pro­ject Lakari

The imple­men­ta­ti­on of our Fin­nish pro­ject Lak­a­ri is in pro­gress. After clea­ring and pre­pa­ring the area, the foun­da­ti­on piles are curr­ent­ly in the instal­la­ti­on pha­se. This crea­tes the basis for fur­ther rea­li­sa­ti­on. The open-field pho­to­vol­taic plants will be built in the Lak­a­ri indus­tri­al area in the city of Rauma. Our first and Finland’s lar­gest PV […]

Rea­li­sa­ti­on of the Bel­lin­gen West wind farm

Rea­li­sa­ti­on of the Bel­lin­gen West wind farm

We are plea­sed to announ­ce that the rea­li­sa­ti­on of our Bel­lin­gen pro­ject is pro­gres­sing suc­cessful­ly. The cas­ting of the wind tur­bi­ne foun­da­ti­ons was com­ple­ted on sche­du­le so that the sub­se­quent assem­bly of the con­cre­te tower sec­tions can take place. The pro­ject from the Alt­mark regi­on (Sax­o­­ny-Anhalt) is adja­cent to our exis­ting Hüse­litz wind farm. Once commissioned, […]

Wind Invest­ment Award

Wind Invest­ment Award

We are very proud of our sub­si­dia­ry CPC Fin­land Oy.The “Koppö Ener­gy Clus­ter” pro­ject, deve­lo­ped tog­e­ther with Prime Capi­tal, has just won the Inno­va­ti­on Award at the annu­al Glo­bal Wind Invest­ment Awards in Lon­don. The heart of the Koppö Ener­gy Clus­ter is a 200 MW plant for the pro­duc­tion of green hydro­gen or e‑methane, which […]

Buil­ding per­mis­si­on gran­ted for the expan­si­on of Krim­pen­fort wind farm

Buil­ding per­mis­si­on gran­ted for the expan­si­on of Krim­pen­fort wind farm

Der UMa­nia GmbH & Co. Wind­park Krim­pen­fort KG wur­de Ende März die BImSchG-Geneh­­mi­­gung für eine Wind­ener­gie­an­la­ge des Typs Nord­ex N149/5.X erteilt. Die WEA hat eine Naben­hö­he von 125 m und eine Leis­tung von 5,7 MW. Bei die­sem Pro­jekt han­delt es sich um die Erwei­te­rung eines Bestands­parks im süd­li­chen Stadt­ge­biet. Die Stadt Vech­ta hat bis­her 3 […]