Lakiakan­gas 3

The Lakiakan­gas 3 pro­ject has been plan­ned and imple­men­ted as a joint ven­ture pro­ject bet­ween CPC Fin­land and Helen, Helsinki’s muni­ci­pal uti­li­ty.
In 2023, the con­s­truc­ted wind farm was trans­fer­red in full to the muni­ci­pal utility.

The wind farm is loca­ted in Iso­jo­ki and Kris­ti­ne­stad, Fin­land. Its infra­struc­tu­re includes a sub­sta­ti­on and 31 KM of 110KV cable rou­te. The­se were alre­a­dy imple­men­ted in July 2021, 2 months ahead of plan­ned com­ple­ti­on. The erec­tion pro­cess of the wind tur­bi­nes star­ted in Sep­tem­ber 2021. The wind farm was alre­a­dy com­mis­sio­ned at the end of 2021 and has sin­ce been sup­p­ly­ing the Fin­nish power grid with green electricity.

The enti­re power gene­ra­ti­on of the wind farm is sold to Helen through a long-term power purcha­se agree­ment. The rea­liza­ti­on of Lakiakan­gas 3 increa­ses the total pro­jec­ted capa­ci­ty of the Lakiakan­gas port­fo­lio to 34 tur­bi­nes and 143 MW.

Contributions to the project

There are no contributions to this project.



20 x Ves­tas V150 — 4.3 MW

Total power

86 MW

Construction Period



Erik Trast
Gene­ral Manager